
The Heart of A Poet


Beside my cottage door it grows,

The loveliest, daintiest flower that blows,

A sweet briar rose.

At dewy mourn or twilight’s close,

The rarest perfume from it flows,

This strange wild rose.

But when the rain-drops on it beat,

Ah, then, its odors grow more sweet,

About my feet.

Offtimes with loving tenderness,

Its soft green leaves I gently press,

In sweet caress.

A still more wondrous fragrance flows

The more my fingers close

And crush the rose.

Dear Lord, oh, let my life be so

Its perfume when tempests blow,

The sweeter flow.

And should it be Thy blessed will,

With crushing grief my soul to fill,

Press harder still.

And while its dying fragrance flows

I’ll whisper low, He loves me and knows

His crushed briar rose.

                                            author unknown to me..

arlene martin

Speaking of Cats

Here’s our cutie pie, Riley, when we lived in California. My husband found her outside my daughter’s home one morning. I have most likely posted this at another time. I want to introduce a beautiful woman, that is a blogger, and  has a heart as big as the world for cats and people. Meet Arlene, aka Ethel Farmer. What I share is not current but will give you an idea of what she and her heart are all about.. Thank you Arlene for all you do! I know that you have gone over and beyond in your efforts to care for all the kittens and cats that have set foot in your part of the world.
