
Blue Smiles Today


Stephanie over at Life With a Yellow Bike inspired me to put air in Blue’s tires and go for a ride. The sun was out all day. The sky held a few wispy clouds and there was a slight breeze. Yellow bike has had a lot of adventures and Stephanie offers plenty of good reading about their outings. I highly recommend a visit, when you have some time. It has been brought to my attention that there are people here at WordPress that have needs. I won’t be specific but there are hurting hearts, there is illness and then there are needs that animals have too.. Sometimes I wonder how different our world would be if people truly looked out for one another.. May the  season of winter not be a forecast of what is in your heart, may there be plenty of sunshine and laughter to get you through to spring.



This Made My Day

I really miss riding my bike. We are in a mountainous area and I would have to be what I am not to be able to ride up hill. When I was out today running errands, yes, I can be a runner of errands at times… I came across this little blue cutie.


I was so happy that I had my camera with me. I appreciate bicycle photo opportunities and I have so much fun with photo manipulation.


I decided to drag my bike out of the shed. We are working on some changes once again and it is our desire to one day have my bike tied up to an RV and head north. I can visualize myself  riding on a scenic bicycle path…




Another Day At the Drawing Board

I am compelled to call this image pedal pooper..The reason is because it is a bike that is no longer ridden and  ivy is growing between the spokes of this older bicycle. It sits in a neighbors backyard..perhaps it holds memories for them. This is not the original photo of the bike… I will share it at another time. Tomorrow we honor and acknowledge all Mothers.  May your day be one of Reflection of what special memories you hold in your heart…