4th of july

Norman Would Have Liked This

Happy 4th of July! I am pretty sure, that I have posted this at one time. We as Americans have much to be thankful for. We are a blessed country and have been given much freedom. As I considered what I wanted to post today, I remembered this photo and had to hunt for it. With almost every face looking one direction. with one little exception, I think it’s a sweet photo. It just made me think that Norman Rockwell, may have been inspired. I must admit that my heartstrings, have been tugged at somewhat. I see these little faces, and I think about our children and grandchildren of today. We are to care for and nurture the younger generation and not lead anyone astray. My hope is that we the people, be responsible human beings, and strive to be people of good character and live peaceably with all.


To Ukraine with Love

Dear women and children of Ukraine, It’s important for me, to let you know, that I am thinking about you. I have shed tears for your situation and have at times felt helpless. As I have viewed the news, I secretly imagined myself being transported to help. I am a senior woman. I have thought that I could hold a hand, or comfort a baby or child. To hear about and read about your tenacity, is truly inspiring. I know that I could learn much from you, from your determination to follow through, with what is on your heart to do. As a bystander from the United States, I cheer you on. With prayer and love, may you be carried to safety. There is power in prayer and I will continue to pray. Thanking my Lord for all he is doing, and going to do. He knows you by name, sees your tears.. He is a God of love and compassion. Remember you are courageous and you are strong.. I close with, The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid.. Sincerely, In Him, Roberta


Through the Eyes of a Child

I am back home after my adventures with the grand littles. I only used my phone to take photos. It was different for me, as I enjoy the use of a regular camera. But wanted to avoid extra weight and I am still struggling with why certain photos, from a particular camera are going to neverland.  I often like to capture a shot that is not posed. I wondered what my grandson was seeing and thinking about the boat ride. Here is another one that I have posted previously on his first Metrolink train ride.

Mile’s is a deep thinker and this grandmother was certainly impressed with his many skills. Grandma Bobbie, as I am known to my grandchildren learned some new things about herself. The process of aging slows one’s body down, and the energy level is quite not up to par. Times of feeling somewhat fragile and not as strong is quite an awakening. But this adventure was not about me, but the opportunity to allow the little’s to see grandma in her silliness, singing songs along with them and hopefully seeing that she is young at heart.



the fifties · Uncategorized

Fifties School Days

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It’s that time of year, when I am thinking about and praying for children that are starting their school year. My, how things have changed. Did we not look like wholesome kids..lol! Well, I am sure there were some little rascals in that class.

 Image (26)I loved the dresses during that time. Jump rope, trading cards, jacks, foursquare and monkey bars were my recess favorites, along with hopscotch. Tuna sandwiches rocked, especially if accompanied with Fritos. Oh such memories..

Father, I pray for blessing upon all children. I pray for safekeeping, and teacher’s that inspire and that are committed to seeing that each child flourish and have a successful school year. Father, just as your eye is on the sparrow, you know each child by name. You know the number of strands of hair on each head. Thank you, that you are a loving and caring God and wanting good for all. In Jesus name I pray.. Amen!

mr rogers

According to Mr. Rogers


We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It’s easy to say, it’s  not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem. Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider them my hero’s.

                                                                                                                    Fred Rogers

For the longest time, I have felt the need, to get serious about cleaning up some sloppy drawers and containers. They hold old letters, postcards and various other sentimental items. As, I rummaged through my postcards, I found this one that I purchased. Mr. Rogers  reminds me of some of the kind people, that I have met in my lifetime. What stood out to me, about them, was their use of kind and encouraging words. As I look back, and reminisce about those that sent the postcards, letters or wrote the poems, I am truly thankful for those opportunities. Listening to and watching the drama unfold on television, at times, it reminds me of Twilight Zone. I was not a fan of the show and I would rather watch Andy Griffith, Lassie, Ozzie and Harriet, Ted Mack and the Amateur Hour, Queen for a Day etc. Some of you, may be able to relate. Now- a- days there is a war going with offensive, crude and rude words. I am concerned about what our children and grandchildren are hearing, and at times, I wonder if anyone cares. I do believe Mr. Rogers has already covered this subject.

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will find people who are helping.”     F R


Prayer for the Children


My thoughts and prayers for all children of Mexico, family members, and also those that have been affected by the harshness of the hurricanes.

And this is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us..

                                                                       1 John 5:14





My son Eric and his grandmother

It has been months of birthdays.. Starting in May with a newborn, then her little brother, then their mother, my daughter, then my oldest son and today my youngest son and my husband. While rummaging through pictures, my heart strings are pulled, as I think about my children and how they have grown to be responsible young adults. I must admit, though, that sending a birthday wish, through a text or a phone call, does not take the place of hands on and giving the individual a hug… I hope you all feel the Love….

I am sure you all have been thinking that I have been away on a luxury cruise or something like that…The truth is that we are motivated to relocate. We want to be able to see our young grandchildren on a more regular basis. We began the momentum by having two garage sales and sorting through things we had not seen in over three years. It was not fun! All of the little stuff like dried up pens, nails and bolts and tiny miscellaneous things were a real pain… grumble grumble. Then heavy things that were impossible for me to move was frustrating. After about a month of numerous trips to our local thrift stores, we got our garage cleaned up and organized. It looks wonderful! It was worth the hard work, and after all of that and prayer,  it was decided for us, that we should stay put a bit longer. In time we hope to purchase a trailer and experience a nomadic life style. Quite a while ago I changed my settings here at WordPress to be able to read blogs at my Reader. It is not working out well for me. I think it was better when I was notified through my email inbox. Now I have to figure out how to switch back to the other method. I am also contemplating starting up a new blog.. Here I go again.. I hope you are all having a good summer or whatever season you may be in. I look forward to getting back into the swing of things.. Remember that God is good, and all of the time.. xx