thank you

disorderly conduct


welcome readers

i see that you are new

to follow this scattered brained woman  hen

and I want to thank you..

i often feel like such a mess

because I no longer

can keep up, with the rest..

but i plug along

in my unhurried state  of mind

knowing  you will understand

that, I am one of a kind..

                                        mother hen

thank you

Friends in High and Faraway Places


As the year of 2015 comes to be no more..speedily, I want to take time to say “Thank you,” to new readers and those of you that have been faithful to follow me along my journey in blogging. I have been immensely blessed by your inspiration in so many ways. I tend to be quiet and I know that I don’t visit as often as I would like.. but, I try to keep some balance on how much time I spend on the internet. It does not always go according to my original! Thank you, are two little words that are sometimes neglected, but say so much. May we all continue to tap into those creative places this New Year and cheer each other on in what way we can. Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy 2016.

thank you

So Sweet of You


I want to say hello and thank you to new readers here at Words Like Honey. I appreciate that you take time to stop, visit and like what I share…I continue to strive for balance in my day, so I have tried to cut back a bit on my time spent at WordPress. I am not sure that it is! I so enjoy the community of artists, photographers and writers that I have come to know. We recently visited, what has become one of our favorite places to have lunch. I can actually say that on that day, I did not indulge on any of their delicious sweet treats. I will make up for it perhaps in October or November.. (: