
No Room at the Inn

DSCN3620I am preparing to mail Christmas cards to seven inmates. As I do this, I think about how easy it is to exclude people from our lives, due to formed past opinions of them. Disappointment, hurt, unforgiveness. At this time of year there are some that won’t hear from family members because of this. As I ponder, I think about whom have I said to “there is no room for you at the Inn of my heart.” It happens…As I check my heart today, I want it to be said…she invited me..

life began in a manger

He was no stranger

to the less affluent

He wore no bling

it was not His thing

but He brought hope to all

to the outcasts

to the broke

love and compassion

were His guide

with mercy and grace by His side

gentle and not mean

He is the answer to my dreams..