the fifties · Uncategorized

Fifties School Days

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It’s that time of year, when I am thinking about and praying for children that are starting their school year. My, how things have changed. Did we not look like wholesome! Well, I am sure there were some little rascals in that class.

 Image (26)I loved the dresses during that time. Jump rope, trading cards, jacks, foursquare and monkey bars were my recess favorites, along with hopscotch. Tuna sandwiches rocked, especially if accompanied with Fritos. Oh such memories..

Father, I pray for blessing upon all children. I pray for safekeeping, and teacher’s that inspire and that are committed to seeing that each child flourish and have a successful school year. Father, just as your eye is on the sparrow, you know each child by name. You know the number of strands of hair on each head. Thank you, that you are a loving and caring God and wanting good for all. In Jesus name I pray.. Amen!