festival of leaves

Festivals of the Leaves 2019: week 9

Other than the squirrel pictures from Sunday, these are the most recent photos, from our drive to Portland. Mr. G, had another surgery on October 30th. On this day he got his stitches out. We finally experienced the tram car and this was our view.


In the future, we will not hesitate to use this method of getting from one place to another. You can follow Dawn Miller, to keep up to date, with what’s what, in our world of Fall leaves and color.


festival of leaves

Festival of the Leaves 2019: week 3

I’m so glad that I live in a world where there are Octobers..

                                                                                                                                                   L.M. Montgomery

We are on week 3 of Festival of the Leaves. I was fixated on the geese more than color at the time I captured this. My heart gets excited when I see them fly. But change is happening.. Please check out Dawn Miller’s blog, to see what she, and other participants are sharing.