pictorial friday

Pictorial Friday Blog Hop Sept 16


Learn to be quiet enough to hear the genuine within yourself, so that you can hear it in others.

                                                   Marian Wright Edelman~ Advocate for children

Today I am linking to the Friday Blog Hop with Peabea. I especially like the scripture that she is sharing today. If you have time, stop by to say “hello!”

 I had this photo in mind this morning, as I am back to work, two days a week with little one’s. I find that I am not too old, to learn something new.. But my body needs the rest of the week to recuperate… lol!

May God bless the little children with a safe and healthy school year~


Girl With a Straw Hat


I decided to use one of Kim Klassen’s textures, that she provided for those of us, that joined her for Texture Tuesday’s. I had almost forgotten, about how much I enjoy using texture with my photos. I drift off into this creative mode and find it very relaxing and therapeutic as well. I will have to incorporate this back into my weekly photography regime, once again.


It’s a Bees Life


After several months of going back and forth to Portland, we have been content to stay at home. We tend to our small garden and I have really enjoyed getting to eat a cucumber everyday.

DSCN9356 Our bees are doing well and their activity keeps us entertained. We have been watching Little League finals in Williamsport, PA. The Mother Hen in me watches every little facial expression of joy, sadness, and the tears of disappointment. It pulls at my heartstrings as I observe them.  I hope that they are never told, that boys or men are not supposed to cry.  I cheer them on, in the sidelines of our living room. The team from Lewisberg, PA is quite impressive, as well as others, but I give them all a high-five for putting their hearts into what they have a passion for.

weekly photo challenge

Weekly Photo Challenge: Express Yourself

The prompt for the Daily Post photo challenge is Express Yourself. I am on a journey of exploration this year. I like processing and using techniques to  transform some of my photos, to give them  a quirky and eclectic look. It fascinates me.. We are still rather new to Oregon, so when we go anywhere my camera is usually with me, and I take pictures as my husband drives.The following are what best express  me at this time in life.

DSC_0083-001Drive-by photography in the city

pdpa Impressionist Brush Texture Set9-002Far out photo art with texture and my buddy, Riley, her curiosity and my silliness..

DSCN1983Working on my still life skills