
Snail Mail

Today I am sharing postcards, that I have received recently. The top one is from Poland and the bottom one from Russia. For years I had been one to have interest in pen-paling. Sending a word of encouragement has always been important to me. In my young years I had friends that got to travel and have experiences, that took them to fun and interesting places. I made a point of keeping all of the postcards. It totally amazes me how thoughtful people are. It takes time to go through the process of getting the name, choosing a postcard, writing and purchasing international stamps. Sometimes there may be tiny stickers added and such kind sentiments. What’s more important is that I get to pray for those that I am sending a postcard to, and for those that I receive from. If this appeals to you check out postcrossing. It’s very much a blessing and I am thankful for the opportunity to do this. ps The one from Russia came just as in this photo. It was a bit dilapidated, but with all of those miles, I might be too.


S’mores and More

We had visitors from California a few days after Christmas. For about six of those days, all was lively in our household. Our cats had not seen that kind of activity in our home, for a very long time. They decided to spend most of their time under a bed. For two of the youngsters, it was a first time visit to Oregon. It was special to spend quality time with all of them. We had delicious meals prepared by the California chefs and it seemed that after they left, I kept finding little food gifts in our cupboards. There was a lot of laughter and many opportunities to observe little hands at work, putting legos and puzzles together. Their grandpa G is still needing medical attention. It will be a lengthy time frame of more surgery and recovery in the coming months. Their visit was a blessing and a high point for us.


She Ruled the Roost

This girl, such a smart savvy feline that occupied our home and hearts since 2009.

She and her crew often wandered over to our home.

I recognized leadership skills in her, when she was very young. I don’t think that I can express all that she meant to me, to us at this time. What I can say, is that she was smart as a whip, entertaining and curious. She was playful and she was very quick to train us on her preferences. Out of the four cats that we had, she was the social butterfly and didn’t run and hide when we had company.

A little snow, no problem.

Where have you been young lady?

Dear Ally, thank you for filling our lives with your charm and often making us laugh, at your shenanigans. We will be lost for awhile, until we get our bearings. You will always be missed, but I am thankful, for all the many memories, we have to hold in our hearts.


Reading, Writing and Arithmetic


It’s that time of year.. Current pictures of my grandkiddos is always a blessing and much appreciated. They certainly are a gift from God. As I continue on my journey of 100 days of thanks, I am grateful for the opportunity to observe their growth, and see them as I can. I applaud my children, for the great job of raising their children, in happy and nurturing households. Would you join me and others, this new school season and pray for all children that are going to school? For the little one’s in pre-school and daycare centers, and daycare providers and teachers.