mosaic monday

Mosaic Monday

The owner of this store, PATCHWORKS Quilt Shop in Big Bear, California, gave me permission to take pictures. Thank you Karen! I was thrilled to have an opportunity to take all the inspiration in that I could. Her co-worker Sally gave me a description on how to make a hot pad out of small squares, by layering them. It looked simple enough and I decided to buy the pattern for it. The store is filled with wonderful displays and it is charming. I could see the enthusiasm and heart for this business on the faces of these kind ladies. I am linking with Mary at Dear Little Red House

Sewing Notions

mosaic monday

Mosaic Monday

Spring-fever has been long gone but I feel a little fall-fever coming on.Maybe it’s just wishful thinking…  I am  anxious to feel coolness in the air to bring relief from our intense hot southern California  weather. Going to a nursery always makes me feel better. We drove to Big Bear recently one afternoon and our highlight was this wonderful nursery, Hunter’s Nursery and Garden Center. What fun I had as you can see by my photos..I am linking with Mary, at Dear Little Red House

Welcome to Hunters

Now this will take care of whatever ails you..Enjoy!

mosaic monday

Mosaic Monday

I have realized that photography has given me a healthy outlet to explore and express who I am… I have found myself getting exasperated easily lately. So much to do and not taking time to do what I enjoy…It’s important for each of us to stop and be still. Observing nature is relaxing and watching animals at play has given me many opportunities to chuckle.  So, it’s a little late but here’s my hasty effort to put this together. The seed pods (Magnolia) are what I picked up one day while in the city. I thought they looked interesting..Well lo and behold so did this grey squirrel that is proprietor of the trees. We have taken up residence in his neighborhood…

mosaic monday

Mosaic Monday

Welcome to my Mosaic Monday conglomeration.. I laugh at myself, often, when I review what I put together. It tells me that I did not get Art 101 out of my system or something. I am having way too much fun and I hope that all of this is easy on your eyes and not an eyesore.. (:    These images are from our day trip to the high desert recently. I am linking with Mary and others at Little Red House for Mosaic Monday.

While visiting this very small community of Randsburg,  it was suggested to us to stop at their local art gallery. I am so happy we did because I learned about an artist and I will share what I know of her one day soon.

I hope that you can see some of the details in these photos. Like whats on the chain link fence.. If you can’t, I’ll give you a hint..They are what cowboy’s wear..

At first I hesitated to post this. I was in the passengers seat of our car and took these while my husband was whisking us away from  the desert town to head for home. I think it looks kind of interesting..A watercolor sky or maybe I was in the sun too long..Lol!

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Mosaic Monday:Leftovers

I have not done a Mosaic Monday for a few weeks. I do enjoy it! We have had gorgeous days here in Southern California. I don’t know where winter went.. It made me think of our summer vacation on the Oregon coast and the beauty we took in while there. The following are some of the photos I took. I am linking with Mary at Little Red House

I think this Seagull thought I wanted his food  because I had been watching him for a while. It finally walked away  to eat  it’s meal in privacy

I have shared many of these images previously but I am having fun once again changing what they look like.

mosaic monday

Mosaic Monday

I have plenty of photos to keep us in LA for a while. I’ll try to not overdue it on city photography but then it is not something we do very often.  I love old buildings and we saw plenty of them. I was drawn back to this fountain at Union Station. If I were an employee there I would enjoy taking my lunch break by it..It was so soothing to my eyes…Enjoy!

I am linking with Little Red House for Mosaic Monday~

mosaic monday

Mosaic Monday

Temperature wise it was around eighty degrees today. We had a short cool spell and it felt rather wonderful! I really like getting to wear sweaters. Because it was so warm today I am posting California flowers. Most are were from our yard. I love to observe them as I  shared in my She Has Flare post. I have a vivid imagination and see them as tiny dancers or dressed in pretty frilly dresses. I am linking with Mary at Little Red House. I have not had time to visit all of the wonderful blogs lately, but if you do, you will not be disappointed.

I can be very conservative when it comes to taking photos but sometimes I go towards the wild side with photo editing. It has to do with trying new techniques and learning how to do something new.

This was our Thanksgiving Bouquet

I captured this while we were out and about this afternoon.

There are always flowers for those that want to see them~ Henri Matisse

mosaic monday

Mosaic Monday

When I am not thinking photography I might be thinking bookstores or wanting to  check out libraries as we travel. On the job you will find me working at one.  Books are wonderful! I am linking with Mary at Little Red House for Mosaic Monday. If I had my way I’d visit every library from here(southern California) to Washington. Only because I am curious about how they look. I am always looking for one that might be old and quaint. Our patron’s are able to check out E Readers but personally they can’t take the place of a book but they may save some trees…

This is the library I went to as a child. The last time I was in town it looked like there was some work being done inside.  It will most likely be used for historical purposes.

mosaic monday

Mosiac Monday

This is the last Mosiac Monday for this month. The days move along like gangbusters and I am still sharing from our vacation. We have one trip and that’s it, so I try to make the most of taking a lot of photographs. Not all are great but a reminder of where we have been on our journey driving to Washington. You are getting to know me by my photos..Hmm! That reminds me of the song…Getting to know you, getting to know all about you .. Who can tell me what that’s from. A little trivia question for you today. Lol! I am linking with wonderful Mary, who is so gracious to host Mosiac Monday  at Little Red House

  This caught my attention because it has my husband’s father’s name on it..