
Bird Rescue

This frosty morning as I went out to check up on my favorite cat, I discovered that Riley had a bird pinned down in the clutches of her paws. I immediately went into, “ok”, this is not going to happen mode and told her to drop the bird. Well, not quite in that manner, I may have looked like a wild-eyed woman who was not going to see a bird die. I was able to distract her, probably caused Riley to fear for her life and was more than ready to run inside the house. As the little bird sat on the cement patio, I observed a rapid heart-beat.  I bent down to stroke its little head and it continued to sit there paralyzed by fear. I was not sure what was going on. I decided to move it onto a big flat rock and grabbed one of my husbands worn out cotton gloves for it to sit on. When I picked it up there was a little blood and instead of causing it anymore fear I laid it on top of the glove. I prayed for the bird and spoke words of kindness to it and left it alone in hopes of seeing it fly away. When I went back out to check up on it, it remained on the rock and I told it to go, you are strong and it flew towards our fence.

DSCN0298It sat there for a few minutes and again I coaxed it and said you can fly, you are strong, and at that moment it flew off and away. I don’t know the outcome, but I tried my best to protect and make it feel loved and secure.

DSCN0299Sometimes in life, all we need are words like honey, sweet kind words to remind us that we will get through the muck and the turmoil and that we really can fly..


Men In Orange

Earlier today we heard a helicopter flying overhead and a short time later we noticed that it was hovering above the waterfall. Being that it is a weekend and summer vacation has begun for many, we have seen an increase in traffic. We decided to join the crowd.. Our plan was to hike to the waterfall as we had done a few times previously. This time it appeared to me that the trail was totally washed out and there was no way to safely go up. I was going to have to be satisfied with photos of our trek. On our way back to the trail my husband suggested that we stop and  talk to the Search and Rescue team that had set up a small camp of a rescue truck, a Sheriff’s car and other vehicles. It turned out that someone had been rescued off the mountain and airlifted out of the canyon. One of the volunteers told us that they were waiting for four rescuer’s to descend down the mountain.

Do you see the speck of orange?

I loved the look on this young man’s face. They had all hiked up the mountain to assist in the rescue. By the time they dropped down they were hungry.. It turned out that the one smiling is one of our patron’s at the library I work at.