still life

Getting My Blur Down

I have been experimenting lately, using props for still life. I am trying to use what I have on hand. I like small items, vintage, and just cute things. Participating in Kim Klassen’s Be Still 52, is helping me to make new discoveries about my camera. I have not ever been one to be studious and so I have not studied my user’s manual. It is about time. Penny is a character out of the movie The Toy Story. Somehow this little girl toy ended up with me. I like that she is a cowgirl and so this is what I came up with today. I have not arrived but am making a little progress, but because I like whimsical I thought that these images are cute. I have a few books about Dale Evan’s and Roy, so I included them as I practiced.



DSC_0019Did Penny find Trigger?