spiritual warfare · strength · thankful · trusting

When I Am Weak He is Strong

quiet friends

they are around

some so silent

and don’t make a sound

strength comes in numbers

together we are strong

but the enemy

wants to take us

all down..

Dear ones, Thank you from the bottom of my splintered heart. Your prayers are appreciated and the cries of our heart are heard in the heavenlies.  I am a witness to the fact that He carries me, and all that concerns me. 

There was a search done today and there is not a trace to be seen or found at this time. If only Jadey’s dog could talk. I know they are missing their human mom.. She’s had them since they were puppies. My love and gratitude, for your warm expressions of concern..

spiritual warfare


This morning I had a visit from the code enforcement lady, and she informed us that someone, a neighbor emailed a complaint about our bees.. This is totally upsetting as they have become dear to us. We live in our little house with our four cats, that have been spayed, we have beautified our front and backyard.. I take pictures and we don’t bother anyone, so I would like think. Apparently there is something about us that is bugging someone….So, how can this be? Who is out to get us for being people who care about maintaining our home and making it look pleasing to the eye.


As disturbing as it is, I understand that there are forces of darkness that thrive on taking out peaceful people, people who are trying to make a difference in some manner. People just wanting to live life, honoring God, respecting the land, people and animals.

DSC_0014Ok, I’m busted!

DSCN7924We just need more catnip..we’ll be fine

Hmm.. yes, it’s  perplexing…human nature.. to want to kill, steal and destroy. I know it’s a spiritual battle and I know who wins, I know the outcome. And I  know that greater is He that is in me, than he…that rotten devil, that is in this world. And yes, he is a loser…

1 John 4:4