weekly photo challenge

Weekly Photo Challenge:Structure


For the past two days, I have been observing this spider in our backyard. It is the first of it’s kind, that I have seen, in the time we have lived in this house.


I have applied HDR to add to the effect of the Structure of the web. According to what I have read, this spider is called an Orb weaver spider. In the time that I have been observing it, it has had two meals.


I am linking to the Daily Post, weekly photo challenge


It’s a Bees Life


After several months of going back and forth to Portland, we have been content to stay at home. We tend to our small garden and I have really enjoyed getting to eat a cucumber everyday.

DSCN9356 Our bees are doing well and their activity keeps us entertained. We have been watching Little League finals in Williamsport, PA. The Mother Hen in me watches every little facial expression of joy, sadness, and the tears of disappointment. It pulls at my heartstrings as I observe them.  I hope that they are never told, that boys or men are not supposed to cry.  I cheer them on, in the sidelines of our living room. The team from Lewisberg, PA is quite impressive, as well as others, but I give them all a high-five for putting their hearts into what they have a passion for.