liebster award

Saying Thank You!

I wish to say “Thank you” to Martina at Photos By Martina for acknowledging me for the Liebster Award. It certainly makes my day to think that I have been thought of in that manner. The Liebster Award as I have shared in a previous post is a way of connecting and acknowledging each other. There are many, many fine photographers, writers and artists, with their own unique styles at WordPress. Martina has a lot of great things happening in her life. Not only is she good at photography but she has a poet’s heart too. I know you will enjoy her images..

Well, I am off to do some last minute shopping.  This is a photo from the famous Olvera St.  in Los Angeles.  I won’t be shopping there just sharing a little of what we saw recently. And to all of you  wonderfully gifted and  talented people have a great day!

liebster award

The Liebster Award…Passing It Along

It was a nice surprise to discover that I had been nominated for the Liebster Award when I got off work this evening. I wish to thank Kathy and Carlos for the acknowledgement. Kathy at Pocket Perspectives and Reflections From a Friend offers inspiration and encouragement through her creative images of bright and beautiful color. She shares her suggestions on how to extend kindness and compassion so that we can make a difference in the world. I am getting to know Carlos at 1cruzdelsur He offers beautiful photography of his country and his travels and always shares music to go along with his photos. His comments always depict the kind heart he has. Thank you both for your thoughtfulness and support here at In Other Words and Pictures!

This award is given to bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers all in the spirit of fostering new connections. Liebster is German and means ‘dearest’ or ‘beloved’ but it can mean favorite.

Since I can only choose 5  I wish to acknowledge the five following blogs for their diverse styles of blogging. They are unique with what they share and contribute to the world of blogging.

Xandi at World Music is a blog I want to spend more time at. There is diversity there for all that appreciate music.

Bonnie at On My Way offers inspiration in the form of art, photography and creativity. Join her on her travels around her home town and interesting places.

Mufidah at Mufidah Kassalias presents such beauty in her photography and what she shares of where she lives.  I look forward to getting to know her better through her photos and what she writes as well.

T at A Seed Inspired offers inspiration in the form of her writing and photos. She shares from her heart on what is important to her, her family, faith and world concerns.

Terry at Montucky does not lack on followers but his country gentleman appeal and love for nature and photography will keep you wanting to see more.

Thank you all for being a source of inspiration to me and support here at In Other Words and Pictures..

there are a few rules to follow for passing the Liebster Award on..and they are

1. Show your thanks to the blogger that nominated you.

2. Reveal your top picks and let them know.

3. Post the award on your blog.

4.Bask in the love and support in blogsphere.

5. And best of all…have fun and share it too.    ps I was unable to copy the image of the award which is required..It can be seen at either of the three blogs at the beginning of this post. With a little help from my friends I will figure it out eventually..