
Peace Like a River

I laugh at myself, as I have no river image.. But this is impromptu this morning, although this photo is not..

As I sat this morning, fighting waves of emotion and dealing with what I have heard and what I have not heard. Being suggested to me that I need to do more. So under the weight of sadness, I could break, but I choose to cling to what I know. After years of life’s lessons and life’s being in the pit of self and sin.. I choose life in Jesus. The Jesus, whom I met as a child, in a small white church. The Jesus on the flannel board, that I didn’t quite grasp it all, at that age. Neighbors had taken my sister and I to church, for how long, I don’t recall.. But in my little unknowing heart, I met Jesus, or rather He met me..

I was a quiet child, I liked to sing the songs. Since God planted in my frame a heart for dance and music, I was open to singing the songs that spoke messages of love. Still I am not sure what all I understood. I was young. So here I am today, in a state of mind of frantic and wanting to scream, but God, yes it’s God that brings comfort to my soul. How do I describe this.. how does one explain comfort from God, comfort from the Holy Spirit. It’s his peace, his presence, his still soft quiet voice that speaks and reminds me about His peace. The waves of emotion settle my heart and he will each and every time I cry out to Him… Peace be still my daughter, for I am with you, I am with those that you entrust me for their care.. I am so grateful to be in His presence. To have a personal relationship with Him. I know what it is to not have His peace, to be searching to find what would fill the void in my heart. It only led to much sorrow. And now, I am a new creation in Christ, and no one can tell me any other. I did not have anyone to reassure me at home of God’s love and protection, but HeĀ  formed me in my mother’s womb. He had a plan and purpose for my life and it was good. He has had his eye on me all along…

He has His eye on you, my darling JADEY…

something to think about

Sunday Soul Search


As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.

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