
In the Beginning

I wonder how many of us have been hovering over our plants looking for signs of newness, signs of life in the form of blooms. We have not seen a single snowflake this winter. Maybe a few of you would have been willing to auction some of your snow off to the highest bidder. I like new beginnings and I may be repeating myself but it is true. I appreciate opportunities that allow me to make improvements, to change for the better, to make better choices and decisions. This time of the year represents for many, New Life, Resurrection. A new day to revive perhaps what has gotten stale in our daily regime. Here is a little preview of what’s happening in our yard. I see beauty in the face of a flower. Ladybugs are a reminder that all is ok and that God is in control..

DSC_0027DSC_0011DSCN4381The detail on this pansy blows me away and blesses my soul..

DSC_0030We are called to  walk by faith and not by sight. We were not seeing signs of spring, and even though we knew it was coming we wanted to see evidence. The little plants were doing their thing underneath the blanket of cold. Surviving without our help. Being patient and waiting for their time to shine and put a smile on our faces..