
A Word that Speaks


We drove east from our home yesterday. Our destination was Sister’s, Oregon. It is all mountainous and we saw some very interesting sights. I have been mulling over in my mind the last few days which word or words might jump out at me.. and wa la.. It is potential. As human beings we all have room for growth, no matter the age. I don’t ever want to think that I have arrived or achieved or that there is not anything I don’t need to work on. Today I am thinking about, So as a man thinketh, so  is he. What we think about, what we dwell on really does make a difference. There is a lot of garbage out in the universe and it will have an impact on you, or me if that is what we keep our focus on..


Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable to you O Lord, my rock, my redeemer.

                                                                                                                                       Psalm 19:14