
The Letter

i got a letter the other day

i didn’t read it until today

sometimes i have to be

at the right place in my mind

to receive the words from

my friend so kind..

this one did it for me today

her words of kindness

had much to say..

from one whom

has had a hard life

but you wouldn’t know..

it brought tears to my eyes

because it was heaven sent.

positivity from my friend so kind

when i know in fact her world is not..

much to be glum about

but she is not.

reminding me to love

and be thankful for those that do..

to look for the good and for animals too

that are in our care on planet earth..

so a reminder to me

to not murmur nor complain..

be a light in this world

that seems as though

it is losing it’s glimmer

thank you friend for coming along

and sending me a lovely letter..





IMG_1036 (7) Throughout my years, I have met many people. Maybe not as many, as others have. I tend to be on the quiet side, until a burst of inspiration comes my way, which seems to be far and few between. This morning,  I have been thinking, about a few, that I have had the privilege of meeting. They blessed me with friendship. But what stands out, is that they were gentle messengers, extending kindness and love. Today, I ponder, and think about these people. Some were in my life for just a season, perhaps for the purpose of sharing their wisdom with me. The sweetness they exhibited, was like the fragrance of a flower, or the fresh smell of the earth, after a downpour of rain. With heartfelt gratitude, I am thankful for all.. I think most importantly, is the fact that we all need prayer and that there are always opportunities to extend kindness and encouragement.

festival of leaves

Festival of Leaves 2016: Until We meet Again


Tiny Crabapples on an almost leafless tree


Tiny Hummer relaxing for a minute

leaf hunters we come

we really have fun

it’s only once a year

but it is dear..

to a lady like me

who likes to see

the seasons of change

as they are not the same..

verena’s a great hostess

and she makes the most

of a special time

and Lord willing..

we’ll meet again

next year, online…

                          r gould

thank you

So Sweet of You


I want to say hello and thank you to new readers here at Words Like Honey. I appreciate that you take time to stop, visit and like what I share…I continue to strive for balance in my day, so I have tried to cut back a bit on my time spent at WordPress. I am not sure that it is working..lol! I so enjoy the community of artists, photographers and writers that I have come to know. We recently visited, what has become one of our favorite places to have lunch. I can actually say that on that day, I did not indulge on any of their delicious sweet treats. I will make up for it perhaps in October or November.. (:

weekly photo challenge

Weekly Photo Challenge: Depth

DSCN1838It is not length of life, but depth of life..

        Ralph Waldo Emerson

The weekly photo challenge for this Friday is Depth. My take on it has to do with the character of people, some are shallow and some are deep. As I viewed this photo, I saw friendship, or perhaps they are sisters, or mother and daughter, I feel as though there is a deep bond between them and they are enjoying their time together.

gratitude week

gratitude week: day seven

DSCN0247-007on this day of rest

i am grateful

for introspection

a time to look


and search

for what may be amiss

as i reflect on


in life

recent and past

thankful for all

even the hard lessons

not so easy

but have helped to form

who i am..

memories of a baby boy

born to me this day

thank you young man..

for the privilege

of being your mother

for family and friends

reminders of growth

for the sweet transparent

and grateful


that shared this week

thank you..

to all that read and follow

thank you!

for life that pleases

but always enough unease

to  keep me looking


lifting  praise

and thanksgiving

 from my quiet corner of the world..

linking with michelle600gratitude week 2014