answered prayer

His Eye on You

His eye is on the sparrow, but in this case, it’s a young finch. He caught my husbands eye this morning, as it managed to get a drink from the birdbath. Now this little one sits in the same place and appears to have an injured leg.  I have provided it some seed and more water. I am still assimilating all that has transpired, but it is on my heart to thank one and all, that responded in love and prayed for Jadey’s safety. I praise God for answered prayer, and for those who were active, in their quest to help as they could. I give God all honor and glory, for what he has done, and will continue to do on her behalf. He has a plan and purpose for her, and it is good. I am grateful.. Thank you WordPress community and friends..

God cares for the tiniest of creatures and always has his eye on you too.

I have just returned from checking on little bird, and he has passed away. I buried little bird under the shade and peace of an apple tree.