
A Bit of Humor

It’s time for me to let go of stuff, that I no longer need to store. I recently came across this cartoon. It’s cute. November has not been cute or funny. My vote is for the Prince of Peace to rule in the hearts of all humanity. A little lightheartedness is welcome.. I am thankful that God is for us. He takes us through the hard stuff, and although we may wonder and not understand, He is in control.
festival of leaves

Festival of Leaves 2020~week 10

I hope that this Thanksgiving Day has been a peaceful one for you.. Yesterday we ventured out with a particular place in mind to take pictures. It was closed to the public, so we went with plan b. It satisfied my appetite for photo ops. Festival of Leaves is special and if I were a poet, I’d write about why. Maybe some day.. What I can say, is don’t let life pass you by, rehashing the past. Sometimes old stuff will bog us down. Let go and invite new into your life..
free write friday

There is Good

I wrote the following after reading some content on my phone, in regards to animal abuse. From that my mind wondered to other kinds of abuse in our world. But prior to all of that, the word good was stuck in my mind. Then my daily reading for today mentioned the word goodness, saying to always look for goodness and mercy.. Here is what followed.

look and you will find, that there is good, there is good all of the time-there are good people who live every day, who do good-and if you watch, and hear what they say- and see how they give and not take away- but willing to help those in need-not swollen with pride, or tempted with greed-not rebellious at heart, but live life to care-so never think that goodness is never there-for the truth is that good exists, and is around- but is often not noticed and is very quiet in sound…


Way Back When

A special cat, who adopted us while we were in transition and asked for very little. A roof over her head and food in her bowl. I will add that she was partial to Mr. G. He fed her turkey, one Thanksgiving Day in 2002. Hey You, whom he named, decided he (Mr. G) was a keeper. Hey You had a few things to teach me, and that she did. She prepared me for the other furry friends, that we would add to our household. I attribute prayer for keeping her alive. Back in March, when Mr. G was away on a trip. I began to see signs of her declining. She lost her appetite, was disoriented and had a seizure. I tried to keep her comfortable, and looked forward to Mr. G’s return. Upon his arrival he took over and before we knew it, she was back on her feet, eating and drinking a little. She was particularly fond of white toy mice. It was amazing to watch how playful she became, even as a senior cat. We all miss you Hey You.. But I have to ask, if you put the word out and sent that rough looking, long haired, grey cat to come and visit us? Please don’t extend the invitation. Lol! Rest in Peace sweet cat..