
S’mores and More

We had visitors from California a few days after Christmas. For about six of those days, all was lively in our household. Our cats had not seen that kind of activity in our home, for a very long time. They decided to spend most of their time under a bed. For two of the youngsters, it was a first time visit to Oregon. It was special to spend quality time with all of them. We had delicious meals prepared by the California chefs and it seemed that after they left, I kept finding little food gifts in our cupboards. There was a lot of laughter and many opportunities to observe little hands at work, putting legos and puzzles together. Their grandpa G is still needing medical attention. It will be a lengthy time frame of more surgery and recovery in the coming months. Their visit was a blessing and a high point for us.


Are You My Mother

Yesterday evening we had taken our bikes out for a brief ride in our neighborhood. While I waited at a street corner for my husband, I observed these birds, as they congregated on the power lines. It was feeding time. Some of the birdies sat, as others flew back and forth to return with some sort of sustenance for their young one.

I noticed one little lone bird, sitting off by its self, waiting patiently to be fed. This baby bird, trusted, just as I did waiting for my husband, for the return of its mother. Every day we trust that what we need will be provided. We trust that loved ones will be alive, that gas stations will have gas, that grocery stores will have food on their shelves, that banks will still have our money, and that water will run out of the faucet. We are a trusting people. Sometimes our trust can get misconstrued. We may put our trust in fame, fortune, or appearance, but all can be fleeting.

DSCN6943Are you my mother?



Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we will remember the name of our God. (victory rests with our Lord)


Father of the Bride

We have had a full and overflowing kind of weekend. All five of my senses got to really kick in to taste, see, hear, feel and touch in a different manner. We are not one’s to venture too far or too often from home. Having four cats, does not make it easy for us to be away for lengthy periods of time. The wedding that I have  been talking about for several months took place on Saturday. Our experience of staying in a beach community was delightful. We were just minutes away from the beach and there were all kinds of specialty food choices. If it had not been for my walking I surely could have come home pounds heavier. I don’t know how Anthony Bourdain manages to keep his weight down, but, I most certainly would have major issues with the scale if I traveled the world sampling food. Today, I have been basking in a state of images in my mind. Maybe kind of looking like this Sea Lion as it chills and perhaps is mulling over the days events.


All the images, as I see them, are as a patchwork quilt. Different colors from the sunsets, the blue of the ocean, the tan of the sandy beach, the vast colors of life. My husband’s little girl, in his eyes, only, became a Mrs., and her dream wedding was picture perfect and just as she had planned and hoped for.                                                                                    DSC_0569

Pretty bride Lesley with her father




A very happy Mr and Mrs..


Hungry Kittens

pdpa Digital Dust Texture Set32-002hungry kittens

to feed or not

to fend for yourself

is your lot, in life

as you seek on your own

to feed your tummy

do you feel alone?

does it help to know

that there are humans near

that feel your concern

and your fears

if for a short time

we will make it our quest

to provide a meal

and do our best

hopefully it will help

to carry you through

the days of uncertainty

when we are away

hungry kittens

I will think of you..