gary myers

Just Looking

For my trip to Southern California recently, I had planned to take the train once again, as I have done previously. I arranged to get off in San Luis Obispo. It breaks up my trip and gives me the opportunity to check out the town. When blogger shoreacres at The Task at Hand wrote a post about train’s I was quick to check it out. I commented and told her that I would be taking the train and getting off in San Luis Obispo. Linda, responded to me, and asked if I had read her most recent post at that time. I hadn’t and made a point to do so. She had written about an artist named Gary Myers, who had his artwork displayed at a gallery downtown San Luis Obispo. I thought that was quite a coincidence since I was going to be in the area. The gallery is called Just Looking Gallery. I quickly looked it up to inquire about the hours. I was thrilled to find out, that they had extended hours, for that particular day.

I was determined to get there before they closed. I like the charm of San Luis Obispo. It just so happened that it was their Farmer’s Market night. I was able to view the work of Gary Myers. I like his style. Unfortunately they were in the process of moving artwork around so his work wasn’t displayed on the walls but I did take pictures of what I saw.

Thank you Linda for the inspiration to get myself to the art gallery. I had a great time, Just Looking. If you are not familiar with The Task at Hand, I highly suggest that you check it out. Linda Leinen excels in her ability to write, research and share history.

3 thoughts on “Just Looking

  1. What a great post. I’m appreciative of your mention, of course, but I must say, it was somehow delightful to see Gary’s work in this quite different way: between arrangements, if you will. I’m so glad you got to see it, and I’m pleased you had such a good trip. I’m glad I caught that San Luis Obispo was a destination for you, and that I knew about the gallery there.

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    1. Thank you! I still have jet lag from my trip to Ca. and then to Cabo with my daughter and her family.. Got home and hubby had surgery. So for me to put the post together was quite an accomplishment for low energy me.. I need geritol or something.. lol!

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