weekly photo challenge

Weekly Photo Challenge: Off Season

For this challenge we have been encouraged to share something that represents Off Season to us. Krista mentions that we are free to interpret this theme loosely. So, I would say, that’s just what I am doing. In the early sixties I was in junior high. I went to Nellie N. Coffman Junior High School in Palm Springs, California. A good friend from that time recently posted a picture of us. It was one that I didn’t have, so it was fun to reminisce. It turns out that I have had a book about Nellie Coffman and so I put the following together. It was a time that is no more.. a season in my young life.

2015-06-11 0041

I may be stretching it a bit here, but it’s what came to me, and besides here’s some good information on Nellie right here.