
Measuring Up



on the scale


on clock

our lives

are based on


it’s a very sobering thought


by numbers

is that who

we are

do numbers

tell us

that we

have come far

or not..

in life

that seems

to give

those with

high numbers

the number one spot..

                                 r gould

Uncategorized · weekly photo challenge

Weekly Photo Challenge: Fun

Fun, it is, for this challenge. I would say that my definition of fun, has changed over the years. To some it may be considered, boring. I have come to appreciate simplicity. As I ponder on fun this morning, what stands out, is the quality time spent with family, from California. It was nice to have youth in the house, and extremely special, getting to meet baby Corbin. He got to experience picking berries and peaches, but he didn’t get to taste his mama’s delicious peach/berry pie that she made. Maybe next year. All in all, we had a wonderful time and it was fun.


Sweet little feet


The highlight of our Summer, Travis, Lesley and Corbin.



Played a Song for Me



in conversation

i found out

he is musically inclined

this man child

of parents

perhaps someone’s


i don’t know

but not necessarily meant

for me to know

but what i do

with what i see

i see much more

than what

a picture can portray

easy to see surface stuff

i see a need

for caring, for compassion

for kindness

and going the extra mile

and offering up some prayer

from someone

that is a mother..


yes, i do know their names.. when i see this dog, my heart melts

Thank you for playing a song for me…

weekly photo challenge

Weekly Photo Challenge: Morning

There is no better way, than to start my day off,  with time to be still and listen to the world around me, as it wakes up. The chatter of birds, the buzz of the bees, the dance of the flowers and the swaying of trees.. Hmm.. that last sentence was not planned. Lol! Anyway back to the Morning challenge at the Daily Post. This morning felt more like a fall day. Oh goodie! Actually we have had a mild summer. These photos were taken on August 2nd. This little visitor hung around for a while to pose rest. On a side note, our internet service has been touch and go lately,  therefore it is curtailing my activity here at WordPress greatly. Bummer!


