

seasons come and go

we wish for them to end

and move on..

anxiously waiting for coolness, for warmth,

for color, for change

are we ever content?

life, new life, death, new death, lives forever changed

we are seasonal beings,

we get tested

we get irritable

we procrastinate

we want and we want and we want, What?

season’s will groom us, prepare us for change

embrace change, embrace the season’s…of life…


The change of season’s can bring out the best in us or not. Today I look at it as the season’s of our lives. Youth and aging. I want to embrace what comes my way with gratitude.Do I, but I strive for a better outlook. This free write spurns from hearing about the passing of two young men.. It happens each and every day. Their season on earth is complete but not gone in our hearts. There is an appointed time for every event under heaven.. Ecclesiastes

shirley temple

On the Good Ship Lolly Pop

Image (61)I have just read that Shirley Temple, child actress and Ambassador has passed away. As a child of the fifties I was mesmerized by the dancer’s of that time. I sang and danced along with all of them. I didn’t quite have the moves just right, but in my young heart I loved what I saw. To me Shirley Temple exemplified goodness. Her sweet face and dimples, made her an all time star in my world. I don’t know a lot about her. I don’t know if she had a stage mother and father. She looked happy and was a talented actress. Rest in Peace Shirley, and know that you brightened this woman’s world.